The firm actively participates in discussions and developments in literary and artistic property law and in digital law: publication of articles, symposiums, lectures, teaching students on specialised master’s courses, patronage of associations.
Participation of Vercken & Gaullier's team to the IP/IT Job Fair organized by the AMPIN (Association des Masters de Propriété Intellectuelle et du Numérique) of the University of Paris-Saclay on November 29 at the Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques.
Participation of Gilles Vercken in the round table on the economic challenges of remuneration in Intellectual Property (“Improving sharing in the value chain to continue stimulating creative activity”) with Stéphanie Le Cam, Senior Lecturer at the University of Rennes and President of the Ligue des auteurs professionnels, and Frédéric Young, Director of SACD and SCAM Belgium, as part of the annual conference on intellectual property organised by Grenoble Alpes University's CRJ (Centre de Recherches Juridiques), on November 29 in Grenoble, under the scientific direction of Amélie Favreau, Professor of Private Law at Grenoble Alpes University.
Participation of Gilles Vercken on the “Alternative Dispute Resolution in the copyright field“ at the conference organized by AFPIDA (French Association for the International Protection of Copyright) on November 22 at ADAGP’s offices.
Participation of Gilles Vercken in the round table “Copyright: what remuneration?“ with Stéphanie Carre, Senior Lecturer at CEIPI, University of Strasbourg, Samuel Sfez, President of the Association des traducteurs littéraires de France, translator, and moderated by Franck Macrez, Senior Lecturer at CEIPI, University of Strasbourg, as part of the conference entitled “Book authors' remuneration and copyright” organized by CEIPI (Centre d'Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle), University of Strasbourg, on November 14 in Strasbourg (online and on site).
Ranking of the firm by Leaders League in “Media & entertainment” in the following sections:
Live Shows "Highly recommended "
Speech by Florence Gaullier at the panel “In the DPO's Own Words: Trends and Challenges beyond 2024”,with Sixtine Crouzet (EDPB), Alice Darmon (CNIL) and Alexia Desbordres (Data Legal Drive) during the CEDPO Annual Conference on October 14, 2024 in Brussels.
Speech by Florence Gaullier at a meeting of the AFCDP “Grand-Est” group on the topic “Overview DA, DGA, DMA, DSA,... : An overview of the recent European regulatory panorama” on October 10, 2024 in Metz. (Conference for AFCDP’s members only)
Participation of Florence Gaullier, on behalf of the firm, in the defense of Ms Camille Madi's thesis entitled "Information Monitoring and Analysis: A Study in Copyright Law", under the supervision of Professor Tristan Azzi on September 24, 2024. This thesis carried out as part of a CIFRE program within the firm.
Speech by Florence Gaullier at ROAM's GDPR Compliance Workshop entitled “Overview of the GDPR main principles and application to a use case: the customer relationship management tool (CRM)” on September 18, 2024.
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in Copyright & Related rights (Tier 1) in France in the 2024 ranking of Managing Intellectual Property
Interview with Florence Gaullier as part of the results of the survey carried out by CEDPO on DPOs at European level at the AFCDP General Meeting on June 26, 2024.
Presentation by Florence Gaullier and Thomas Ajoodha, AFCDP legal counsel in charge of international matters, of the first results of the survey conducted by CEDPO on DPOs at European level, during the general meeting of the AFCDP (Association Française des Correspondants à la protection des Données à Caractère Personnel) at the Maison de la Chimie, on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
Valérie-Laure Benabou's participation in the workshop on "The future of legal information" on 12 June 2024 at Grenelle du Droit 5 on "The future of the legal sector".
Presentations by Florence Gaullier at Geste’s general assembly on June 19th, 2024 on Geste's work on the general conditions of Open AI and on ePrivacy issues
Droit & Patrimoine – 19 June 2024
Dalloz Actualité, IP/IT et Communication – Audiovisuel/Propriété littéraire et artistique – 12 June 2024
Presentation by Valérie-Laure Benabou on “Interoperability and competition within and between digital platforms: theoretical framework and practical examples in the video games sector” at the Nasse seminar organized by the direction générale du Trésor and the Autorité de la concurrence on June 18th, 2024, from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
Full program :
Presentation by Valérie-Laure Benabou on “Generative AI and copyright: what legal framework?” at the conference on “Generative AI and artistic creation” on Friday June 14 from 4:10 to 5:00 pm as part of the symposium Bains Numériques, 11th international biennial of digital arts, in Enghien-les-Bains.
Full program :
Ranking of Gilles Vercken, Florence Gaullier and Edouard Mille as Copyright Stars 2024 by Managing IP
Participation of Noémie Enser at the one-day seminar dedicated to European case law in intellectual property organized by the Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la propriété intellectuelle (CEIPI), of which the firm is a partner, on May 24, 2024 in Strasbourg.
Program and registration (free but compulsory):
Presentation of Florence Gaullier at the 15th annual Conference of the ADPO (the Irish Association of Data Protection Officers) about “GDPR: The Age of Maturity” organized on 9th May 2024 on the topic “Pixels and privacy: Update on the ePrivacy Regulation”
Intervention of Noémie Enser at “Voyage d’un bout à l’autre 5” Festival on April 2024, 21 on the topic of the use of the artificial intelligence and its impact on culture and the quality of translated texts.
Gilles Vercken and Noémie Enser are members of the CN2PI jury, of which the firm has also been a sponsor since the competition was created in 2008.
Ranking of the fim in the 2024 ranking of law firms by Le Point among the twenty-one best law firms in Copyright in France.
Participation of Florence Gaullier in the Smart Tech program (BSmart channel) on 8 April 2024 on the proceedings against Meta, Google, Apple, the competitiveness of Europe in generative AI and the lowering the age limit for using WhatsApp in Europe.
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier by Medial law International within the Tier 1 category of the Media Boutique Firms section.
Ranking of the firm by Legal 500 in the following sections:
‒ Intellectual Property: Copyright
‒ Media and entertainment:
o Book Publishers
o Television / Radio
o Newspapers
o Music
o IT & Internet
Ranking of the firm by Leaders League in “Innovation, technology & telecoms” in the following sections:
IT, software & digital projects "Highly recommended"
Participation of the Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier at the Job Fair 2024 organised by CEIPI on 27 February 2024
Presentation by Florence Gaullier and Lorette Dubois of the GESTE and SRI’s submission to the EDPB consultation on the technical scope of article 5(3) of ePrivacy directive, on 26 February 2024 from 10am to 11.30am (only for GESTE’s members).
Ranking of Gilles Vercken and Florence Gaullier as “Band 3” and “Band 4” in the “Intellectual Property: Trade Mark & Copyright” of the Chamber’s Global Guide 2024 with the following comments:
"Gilles Vercken has a very good commercial strategic vision."
"Florence Gaullier is a very capable attorney with a keen understanding of French copyright law."
Presentation by Gilles Vercken and Valérie-Laure Benabou at the "Video games and copyright" conference on the topics "Adapting an audiovisual work into a video game and adapting a video game into an audiovisual work" and "Exhaustion of intellectual property rights", organised on Friday 16 February 2024 by AFPIDA (Association française pour la protection internationale du droit d'auteur).
Interview with Noémie Enser, lawyer at the Vercken & Gaullier law firm, by Raphaël Karayan as part of the article "AI Act: why the copyright issue poisoned the negotiations" published by Mind.
Dalloz Actualité, IP/IT et communication / Intelligence artificielle / Propriété littéraire et artistique, 13 october 2023
Dalloz Actualité, IP/IT et communication / Protection des données, 19 september 2023
Contribution by Valérie-Laure Benabou at the conference “Current issues in intellectual property contracts” on the topic “Transfer of copyright in employment contracts (with reference to the recent decision CA Paris, 5-1, 25 January 2023)” organized on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 by the students of the Master 2 Propriété littéraire, artistique et industrielle of Paris Panthéon-Assas University, with the support of APRAM.
Full program: – Registration by e-mail to:
Ranking of Gilles Vercken, Florence Gaullier and Edouard Mille as Copyright Stars 2023 by Managing IP and ranking arrival of Noémie Enser as Rising Star 2023
Dalloz Actualité, IP/IT et communication / Intelligence artificielle, 18 september 2023
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in 2023 by Décideurs – Leaders League in "Media & Entertainment", sections Online gaming and betting (ranking " Highly recommended "), Publishing (ranking " Leading"), Audiovisual (ranking "Excellent"), Music (ranking " Leading"), Radio (ranking "Highly recommended ") and Live Shows (ranking "Highly recommended ")
Appointment by the Chairman of the Conseil supérieur de la propriété littéraire et artistique (CSPLA) of Valérie-Laure Benabou as co-chairwoman of the commission charged with considering how to reconcile literary and artistic property with the stakes of the ecological transition, with her co-president, Emmanuel Gabla, general engineer of mines, both assisted by the rapporteur Alexandre Denieul, auditor at the Council of State.
The commission will focus especially on the remote exploitation of works, issues related to the compatibility, interoperability and repairability of cultural products, as well as refurbished devices providing access to works.
Dalloz IP/IT 2023, 04, p. 220.
Ranking of Gilles Vercken, Florence Gaullier and Garance Dussausaye by Best Lawyers (14th edition) in the following categories:
Speech by Valérie-Laure Benabou at the conference on the topic “Artificial intelligence and photography: what’s at stake for authors?” organized on Wednesday 5 July 2023 by the ADAGP (société des Auteurs dans les Arts Graphiques et Plastiques) during the Rencontres de la Photographie d&"39;Arles 2023.
Speech by Valérie-Laure Benabou at the conference on the topic “Generative artificial intelligence: what are the challenges for photographers?” organized on Thursday 6 July 2023 by the Union des Photographes Professionnels during the Rencontres de la Photographie d&"39;Arles 2023.
Full program:
Répertoire Dalloz IP/IT et Communication – Section “Technological measures and rights-management information”
Link: (with subscription)
The firm won the Copyright Firm of the Year award again this year at the Managing IP EMEA Awards 2023.
Participation in the organisation of the international congress of the Association littéraire et artistique internationale (ALAI) on the theme of "Copyright, related rights and artificial intelligence", organised by the Association Française pour la Protection Internationale du Droit d&"39;Auteur (French branch of ALAI), for which Gilles Vercken is treasurer.
Full agenda: ALAI 2023 Congress, June 22-23
Dalloz Actualité, IP/IT et Communication – Data protection – June 16, 2023
Anne-Lise Lacorte
Dalloz Actualité, IP/IT et Communication – Propriété littéraire et artistique – 13 June 2023
Participation of Noémie Enser to the panel discussion on "Authors facing artificial intelligence", as part of the conference on the topic "Book publishing today" organised by SciencesPi, which the firm is a partner, on Thursday 15 June 2023 from 2 to 7 pm at Sciences Po.
Program and registration:
Moderation by Valérie-Laure Benabou of the round-table discussion "Crossed perspectives and practices" at the conference on the topic "The circulation of personal data - An analysis from the perspective of civil law" organized by the Master 2 Contract, Property and Liability of the University Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne, on Thursday June 15, 2023 from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
Full program:
Publication by Dalloz of the book "Investissement et propriété intellectuelle" following the conference organized on June 17, 2022 by the Institut Droit et Santé and the Centre de Recherche Droits et Perspectives du Droit - Equipe LERADP of the University of Lille.
The book, under the direction of the Professor Caroline Le Goffic, includes the contribution of Gilles Vercken on the topic "The notion of investment and related rights" and the articles of Yann Basire, Nicolas Binctin, Jean-Michel Bruguière, Anaïs Dépinoy, Caroline Le Goffic, Camille Maréchal Pollaud-Dulian, Pilar Montero, Arnaud de Nanteuil, Victoria Parry, Elie Sartchami, Edouard Treppoz.
Lorette Dubois
Dalloz Actualité, IP/IT et Communication – Protection des données – June 1st 2023
Participation of Florence Gaullier at the conference on the "Proof of originality of works" organised by the Société des Auteurs des Arts Visuels et de l’Image Fixe (SAIF) on Wednesday 7 June 2023 from 2 to 6 pm.
Full agenda:
Location: SCAM, Salle Charles Brabant – 5 avenue Vélasquez – 75008 Paris
Participation of Gilles Vercken at the conference "Remuneration of authors and performers - The fair price in contracts in literary and artistic property law" on "Contractual practices in the music and audiovisual sectors", organised by the Institut de Recherche en Droit Privé (IDRP) on May 30, 2023 at the Nantes’ Faculty of Law.
Nantes’ Faculty of Law, 30 May 2023 – 9:00/5:30, Amphi F.
Full program and list of speakers:
Lorette Dubois
Dalloz Actualité, IP/IT et Communication – Intelligence artificielle – 22 May 2023
Lecture by Gilles Vercken for the students of the CEIPI’s Master 2 (Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle) on “Collective management of copyright and related rights” on May 12, 2023 at the University of Strasbourg.
Participation of Gilles Vercken and Valérie-Laure Benabou as speakers at the CEIPI (Centre d’études internationales de la propriété intellectuelle) annual conference "European case law on intellectual property", on Thursday 11 May 2023 from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. at the University of Strasbourg and online.
Université de Strasbourg – Amphi C – Bâtiment I Le Cardo – 7 rue de l’Ecarlate – 67000 Strasbourg.
Complete program and list of the speakers:
Ranking, for the third time, of Florence Gaullier among the 13 French women in the "Top 250 Women in IP 2023" by Managing IP and short-listed as Copyright Practitioners of the Year 2023
Vercken & Gaullier is short-listed among the 8 best law firms in France for the MIP award "Firm of the Year 2023 - Copyright". The winner will be announced by Managing Intellectual Property on June 21, 2023.
Ranking of the firm among the best law firms in France in the 2023 edition of "Legal 500, Europe, Middle East & Africa", an international guide to law firms, in the sections "Copyright", "Media and entertainment", "Television/Radio", "Newspapers" (entry in the ranking as a firm to watch) and "IT & Internet"
Ranking of the firm, for the 5th time, among the best law firms in 2023 in "Copyright Law" (5 stars out of 5) in the Le Point/Statista ranking.
Publication of the book "Propriété intellectuelle et pop culture – le retour" by the Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle (CEIPI) including the contributions of the various speakers at the conference organised on 26 April 2021 in Strasbourg. The book, under the direction of Yann Basire and with a prologue signed by Gilles Vercken, brings together numerous eminent authors: Yann Basire, Nicolas Bronzo, Jean-Marc Deltorn, Nilce Ekandzi, Julie Groffe-Charrier, Alain Hazan, Yun J. Inada, Stéphanie Le Cam, Stefan Martin, Stéphanie Maury, Dariusz Paitek, Nathalie de Quatrebarbes, Romaine Régnier, Daren Tang.
Ranking of the firm by Media Law International in 2023 again among the top three Tier 1 boutique firms in media law in France.
Participation of Gilles Vercken as member of the scientific committee and member of the jury of the final of the CN2PI, of which the firm is also sponsor since the creation of the competition in 2008.
Meet up with Gilles Vercken and the students of the Master 2 Industrial and Artistic Property of the University of Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne directed by Professors Frédéric Pollaud-Dulian and Tristan Azzi, on April 11, 2023 to present his career and the profession of lawyer.
Presentation of Florence Gaullier and Valentin Boullier, with Mrs. Leslie Basse, legal expert at the CNIL in the Investigations Department of the Protection of Rights and Sanctions Department, on the topic "CNIL investigations: how to anticipate and manage them?" at the annual conference of the regional group Grand-Est of the AFCDP on March 31, 2023 in Reims.
Other topics discussed during this conference: "Data breaches", "Managing the rights of applicants and employees on their data" and "Managing access to IT resources of absent employees by their colleagues or superiors", with the participation of agents from the CNIL and the ANSSI, Mallorie Bluzat of the Rhin-Meuse Water Agency, and Dominique Durant, FM Logistic Corporate.
Participation of Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou on the topic "Intellectual property on collective and non-material cultural practices" at the seminar on the issue of "origins, traces and provenance" of heritage objects organized by Marie Cornu and Martin Guerpin at the University of Evry on March 28, 2023 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, amphitheatre 150 - Maupertuis building, 3 rue du Père Jarlan, in Evry-Courcouronnes.
Program and list of speakers:
Participation of Noémie Enser to the conference "Generative AI and creation: what are the legal issues?" on Monday, March 27, 2023 from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm on the topic "Input: the issues of text and data mining" organized by the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, the Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne André Tunc and the Artificial Intelligence Observatory, 12, Place du Panthéon, room 6
Program and list of speakers
Gilles Vercken will participate in the eloquence contest organized by Speaker and the Ecole des Jeunes Orateurs of Sciences Po Strasbourg as a member of the jury, chaired by Mrs. Emmanuelle Baumgartner. The contest will take place on Friday, March 17, 2023 at 7:00 pm. Come and join us!
Presentation by Valérie-Laure Benabou on the topic CJEU, Chat GPT and European discussion on media freedom and pluralism: update at the FIBEP’s Copyright Talks in Prague on March 17, 2023 at 2:00 pm.
Ranking of the firm among the best-known firms by Décideurs Magazine – Leaders League en 2023 :
Meet up with Gilles Vercken and the students of the Master 1 Intellectual Property and IT Law of the University of Paris-Saclay to present his career, the profession of lawyer and the challenges it is facing.
Analysis of the Proximus judgment of the ECJ of 27 October 2022 (C-129/21) entitled “Proximus and the publication of data in public directories: a consent to rule them all and in transparency (un)bind them”
LEGIPRESSE – January 2023, "410, pp. 38-44
Oath-taking ceremonie of Anne-Lise Lacorte on February 20, 2023 before the Paris Court of Appeal, associate attorney in intellectual property law within our firm.
Participation of Gilles Vercken to the Job Fair organized by the CEIPI (Center for International Intellectual Property Studies) of the University of Strasbourg on February 16, 2023.
Rankings of Florence Gaullier and Gilles Vercken among the best lawyers 2023 in France by the "Global Chambers and Partners" guide in the area of Intellectual Property - Trade Mark & Copyright with the following comments:
" Florence Gaullier of Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier is experienced in representing clients from the TMT sector in copyright and counterfeiting litigation.” Referees says:
“Florence is very precise and responsive and I would trust her with any of my company&"39;s legal topics."
"She is very competent and very pragmatic."
" Gilles Vercken of Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier frequently acts on a range of contentious and non-contentious copyright mandates for TMT sector clients." Referees says:
"Gilles is really good and handling very complex cases."
Participation of Gilles Vercken on February 7th, 2023 in the mock trial organised by L’Ecole des Jeunes Orateurs of Sciences Po Strasbourg, with Sp3aK3R, as president of the jury. This year&"39;s theme: Brutus and the assassination of Caesar.
Participation of Gilles Vercken on February 4, 2023 at the speaking workshop organized by Sciences Po Strasbourg and Sp3ak3r. Very honored by this invitation !
Arrival of three new trainees in our team for six months:
Mina Pamphile ( holder of a Master 2 (LLM) in IP/IT law at the University of Paris-Saclay and completing a University Degree for "DPO" at the University of Paris-Saclay
Hanna Schwarz (, trainee attorney, holder of a Master 2 in Electronic Commerce and Digital Economy Law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Mar Vilaseca (, student in Master 2 in Art Market Law at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and preparing the exam to enter at the lawyers training school at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Noémie Enser
DALLOZ ACTUALITÉS, December 13rd 2022
Participation of Florence Gaullier to the round-table "4 years later: is the GDPR (still) a Tiger paper?” at Apidays Paris at Cité des Sciences et de l&"39;Industrie on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 à 3.15pm.
Participation of the team to the IP/IT Job Fair organised by the AMPIN (l&"39;Association es masters de Propriété Intellectuelle et du Numérique) of the University of Paris-Saclayr on Decembre 2nd, 2022 at the Massa Hotel.
Participation of Gilles Vercken in the workshop given at the juvenile sector of the Strasbourg prison on Wenesday, Decembre 7 organized par Spe3ak3r, the collaborative media of the working-class districts of Strasbourg. Very honored of this invitation !
Communiqué de Maître Gilles Vercken (Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier)
Avocat de LPR Distribution
Annulation de la fermeture du compte Instagram « lapiraterieofficial »
2 décembre 2022
Par ordonnance rendue sur requête, donc sans débat contradictoire, le 17 janvier 2022, Mme Dante, connue sur les réseaux sociaux sous le nom de « DEMDEM », avait obtenu du président du tribunal judiciaire de Marseille qu’il soit fait injonction à la société Meta Platforms Ireland Limited de fermer le compte Instagram « lapiraterieofficial », dédié à la culture hip-hop et rap et à la marque promue par Booba « La Piraterie », pour des faits supposés de « harcèlement ».
À la suite de la notification de cette ordonnance par Mme Dante, Meta/Instagram avait fermé le compte « lapiraterieofficial ».
Par décision du 30 novembre 2022, le président du tribunal judiciaire de Marseille a annulé l’ordonnance précitée du 17 janvier 2022, laquelle est donc « nulle et non avenue », en jugeant que la demande de fermeture du compte Instagram ne pouvait être rendue sur requête, mais aurait dû faire l’objet d’un débat contradictoire.
La fermeture du compte n’étant plus justifiée, LPR Distribution va demander officiellement à Meta/Instagram la réouverture du compte « lapiraterieofficial ».
Moderation by Florence Gaullier and Fayrouze Masmi-Dazi of a round table on "Digital sovereignty of the value chain: utopia or untapped opportunity?" organized by GESTE at the Auditorium of Echos / Le Parisien on November 24, 2022, on-site only
Training course by Gilles Vercken and Stéphanie Carre during the seminar for judges of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries organized by "WIPO in cooperation with "INPI (Institut National de la Propriété Intellectuelle) on the IP infringement action, on November 23, 2022, at INPI’s premises.
Participation of Florence Gaullier, as member of the board of AFCDP, and Pascale Gelly, president of the international commission of AFCDP, on "Data Act and Data Governance Act: Implications on personal data and for the DPO" during a webinar organised on 18 October 2022 by the Confederation of European Data Protection Organisations (CEDPO), of which the AFCDP is a member.
Presentation by Florence Gaullier and Pascale Gelly, president of the international commission of the AFCDP, on "The impacts of EU’s DGA and DA on data protection matters" during a webinar organised on 7 July 2022 by the international commission of the French Association of Personal Data Protection Officers (AFCDP).
Speeches by Valérie-Laure Benabou on "The structure of the code: between constraint and potentiality" and Gilles Vercken on "The code in practice: assessment and perspectives" during the conference "30 years of the French Intellectual Property Code" organized by the CEIPI, the EFB and the Paul Roubier Center on July 1, 2022 at the Auditorium of the EFB in Issy-les-Moulineaux et en ligne.
Florence Gaullier’s presentation on "The impacts of EU’s DSA and DMA on data protection matters" during a webinar organised on 29 June 2022 by the international commission of the French Association of Personal Data Protection Officers (AFCDP).
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in 2022 by Leaders League "Media & Entertainment", sections Publishing (ranking "Excellent"), Audiovisual (ranking "Excellent"), Music (ranking "Excellent"), Radio (ranking "Highly recommended"), Live Shows (ranking "Highly recommended") and Gaming (ranking "Excellent").
For the first time, the firm won the Award of “Law Firm of the Year - 2023” in the Media Law section from Best Lawyers.
Speech by Gilles Vercken during the conference organized by AAPI (l’Association des Avocats en Propriété Industrielle) on the notion of originality in copyright law and its difficulties of application in practice, on June 22, 2022 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Speech by Gilles Vercken on the theoretical and practical aspects of the topic "Investment within the regimes of neighbouring rights to copyright: protective rights for investments in the exploitation of creation?" during the conference "Investment and Intellectual Property" organized by the Institut Droit et Santé (IDS), Inserm UMR_S 1145, Université Paris Cité and the Centre de Recherche Droits et Perspectives du Droit - LERADP team (University of Lille) on June 17, 2022 at the Maison du Barreau de Paris.
For the third time, the firm won the Award of “French Copyright Firm of the Year - 2022” from Managing Intellectual Property.
Speech by Valérie-Laure Benabou on Data Funds during the international conference "Conference Property in civil law: in or out?" organized by the laboratory D@NTE - University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines/Paris Saclay and the GRDP - University of Quebec in Montreal under the scientific direction of Mélanie Clément-Fontaine and Gaële Gidrol-Mistral and with the support of the MSH Paris Saclay on June 10, 2022 at the Trianon Palace of Versailles.
"1st part: Reproductions of protected works in and from the cloud constitute private copying"
"2nd part: Charging fair compensation for cloud services: which model to choose?"
LEGIPRESSE – May 2022, no 403
Ranking of Florence Gaullier among the 14 French women in the "Top 250 Women in IP 2022" by Managing IP
Participation of Gilles Vercken as chairman of the jury of the Eloquence Competition organized by Speaker, the collaborative media of the working class districts of Strasbourg on May 20, 2022. Very honored by this invitation!
Speech by Florence Gaullier with Vincent Guhur, DPO France of LFB, during the workshop "How to manage a data subject access request from an employee targeting e-mails processed by the employer?" at the 16th DPO University organized by the AFCDP (French Association of Data Protection Officers) on May 20, 2022 online.
Speech by Florence Gaullier on the Data Act and the Data Governance Act for the GESTE&"39;s legal commission on May 16, 2022 (online).
Speech by Gilles Vercken about "Practice of collective rights management" for the Master degree Pro CEIPI on May 14, 2022 at the CEIPI (Center for International Intellectual Property Studies) at the Law Faculty of Strasbourg.
Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm is a sponsor of the conference on "European Case Law on Intellectual Property" organised by the CEIPI (Center for International Intellectual Property Studies) on May, 6 2022 at Strasbourg.
Ranking of Florence Gaullier, Edouard Mille and Gilles Vercken as "Copyright Stars 2022" by Managing IP
Vercken & Gaullier is short-listed among the 6 best law firms in France for the MIP award "Firm of the Year 2022 - Copyright". The winner will be announced by Managing Intellectual Property on June 15, 2022.
Gilles Vercken is also short-listed for the award of "Practitioner of the Year" in copyright for France.
Ranking of our law firm among the best law firms in "Copyright law" (5 out of 5 stars) and "New technologies, informatic and communication law" (4 out of 5 stars) in the ranking Le Point/Statista 2022
Participation of Gilles Vercken as a member of the scientific committee and as a member of the jury of the final of the National Intellectual Property Moot Court Competition, of which Vercken & Gaullier firm is also a sponsor since its creation in 2008.
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in France in the 2022 edition of the "Legal 500, Europe, Middle East & Africa", international guide of law firms, in “Copyright”, "IT and internet" and in "Media and entertainment" with the following comments:
Intellectual Property: “The copyright team at boutique law firm Vercken & Gaullier is led by the experienced Florence Gaullier, who specialises in EU copyright law, data protection and e-commerce law as well as the collective management of rights, Edouard Mille, who acts on both advisory and litigious mandates, and Gilles Vercken, whose expertise cut across a broad range of sectors including publishing, IT, music and gaming. The group is also sought after to assist with regulatory affairs and lobbying campaigns at the European level in areas of copyright, media and information technologies law.”
Book Publishers: “Vercken & Gaullier assist notable book publishers with copyright matters, pre-litigation and litigation issues, as well as with contract negotiations. The firm is retained for its expertise in copyright infringement, unfair competition and parasitic behaviour proceedings. It has also built expertise in the legal framework for the digitalisation of books. Co-founders Florence Gaullier and Gilles Vercken lead the practice together with Edouard Mille.”
Television / Radio: “Founded by Gilles Vercken and Florence Gaullier in 2017, Vercken & Gaullier advises on all types of artistic property, including in the audiovisual sector. Edouard Mille is particularly involved in copyright and related rights in TV production and distribution. The team has been working for the FEVEM, the French federation of media monitoring companies, regarding copyright issues for over 15 years.”
Award ceremony of the second edition of the doctoral thesis award of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm in partnership with the CEIPI (Center for International Intellectual Property Studies) for the following thesis: "Consciousness of creation and copyright" written by Noémie Enser on March 31, 2022 from 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm at the Hôtel de Massa in Paris
Speeches by Florence Gaullier, Edouard Mille and Gilles Vercken (Lawyers at the Paris Bar), Yann Basire (Director General of the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies - CEIPI), as well as Nils Aziosmanoff (President of Le Cube), Michel Vivant (Professor emeritus at the Law School of Sciences Po and Doctor honoris causa of the University of Heidelberg) Valérie-Laure Benabou (Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay/Versailles Saint Quentin), Alexandra Bensamoun (Professor of Private Law at the University of Paris-Saclay/Evry) and Noémie Enser (Lawyer - Doctor - Winner of the Cabinet Vercken&Gaullier / CEIPI thesis prize)
By invitation only
Speech by Florence Gaullier on "European Copyright Law: Update and perspectives" during the FIBEP Spring Summit on March 28, 2022 in Athens and online.
Speech by Florence Gaullier with Loic Caroli and Philippe Leroy on "Key points to negotiate in a SaaS agreement" during the Silicon Week on March 17, 2022 online.
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in France for 2022 in the magazine Leaders League, "Technology, internet & telecommunications" edition, in the sections Data Protection (ranking "Highly Recommended"), IT, software & digital projects (ranking "Highly Recommended") and Internet (ranking "Highly Recommended")
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the three best law firms in Media Law (Tier 1) in France in the 2022 edition of the guide "Media Law International" with the following comment:
" The founding partner of Vercken & Gaullier is highlighted by competitors “for his curiosity and his knowledge of very complex and specific legal issues”. The team is highly regarded its expansive sector coverage and market visibility. The team advises on converged media and acts for clients in cases involving copyright."
Rankings of Florence Gaullier and Gilles Vercken among the best lawyers 2022 in France by the "Global & Europe Chambers and Partners" guide in the area of Intellectual Property - Trade Mark & Copyright with the following comments:
"Florence Gaullier is experienced in representing clients from the TMT sector in copyright and counterfeiting litigation. Referees praise her "imaginative solutions, high sense of negotiation and reliability."
" Gilles Vercken "is brilliant, tenacious, innovative and has a great tactical sense," explains one client. He frequently acts for clients on a range of contentious copyright mandates"
Ranking of Gilles Vercken among the best lawyers for 2022 in France in the area of Technologies, Media and Telecommunications, Media subsection (TMT Media) with the following comment:
"Gilles Vercken assists with regulatory issues and transactional mandates in the media sector. One impressed source says: "He is one of the best specialists in copyright law and the related media aspects." "
Participation of Gilles Vercken to the Job Fair organized by the CEIPI (Center for International Intellectual Property Studies) of the University of Strasbourg on February 22 & 23, 2022.
Interview of Florence Gaullier on "Regulations against GAFAM: a danger for our data?" during the TV show Smart Tech, the daily magazine of innovation presented by Delphine Sabattier on January 11, 2022 on the TV channel BSMART.
Interview of Florence Gaullier on "Regulations against GAFAM: a danger for our data?" during the TV show Smart Tech, the daily magazine of innovation presented by Delphine Sabattier on January 11, 2022 on the TV channel BSMART.
The firm is happy to support again Sciences Pi, the association of intellectual property lawyers of Sciences Po, for the year 2021-2022. This partnership will allow the association to develop its activities.
Speech by Gilles Vercken and Thibault Gisclard on "The place of the teacher-researcher in intellectual property in the IP ecosystem" at the conference "The teacher-researcher in intellectual property" organized under the scientific direction of Caroline LE GOFFIC and Yann BASIRE and co-organized by the Association JUSPI on December 3, 2021 at the University of Lille.
Participation of Vercken & Gaullier&"39;s team to the IP/IT Job Fair organized by the AMPIN (l&"39;Association des Masters de Propriété Intellectuelle et du Numérique) of the University of Paris-Saclay on December 1st, 2021 at the Massa Hotel.
Launch, on November 29, 2021 at 5:30 pm, of the workshop cycle "TRIBU/A3" by research laboratory DANTE of the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and the Law School of SciencesPo, with the collaboration of ENS Paris-Saclay and the support of MSH Paris-Saclay, under the scientific direction of Valérie-Laure Benabou and Séverine Dusollier, and the participation of Mélanie Clément-Fontaine and Marie Cornu
TRIBU/A3 aims to organize a collaborative reflection on the processes of atTRIBUtion and conTRIBUtion, to raise the question of authors and attribution and the conditions of creation, in the framework of a cycle of workshops that will be held throughout the academic year 2021-2022, alternately in the different participating institutions.
Speech by Florence Gaullier, with Jérôme Azzi and Nathalie Meyer, on the "Clauses organizing the liability or the guarantees related to RGPD in French private contract law" during the annual conference organised by the Grand-Est Group of AFCDP (French Association of Data Protection Officers) on September 28, 2021 at the Maison de la Métropole in Metz.
Speech by Valérie-Laure Benabou on the Intellectual Para-property during the conference organized by the CUERPI (Centre universitaire d&"39;enseignement et de recherche en propriété intellectuelle) on September 24, 2021 at the Grenoble Museum. Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm is also a sponsor of this event.
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in France in the 2021 edition of the "Legal 500, Paris", professional guide of law firms, in the chapter "Media and entertainment", with the following comment: “Vercken & Gaullier is retained by both private and public sector clients, including TV and radio broadcasts. The team routinely advises on contractual matters including the negotiation of broadcasting rights and production contracts. Founding partners Gilles Vercken and Florence Gaullier are the key contacts, as is Edouard Mille who handles copyright litigation and related rights claims across all the entertainment sectors”.
Speech by Gilles Vercken on "The challenges for copyright facing new modes of creation and exploitation" during the Soeurs Jumelles Festival on "Encounter between Music and Image" envisioned by Julie Gayet and Delphine Paul on June 24, 2021 in Rochefort.
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm in Entertainment, Information Technology, Intellectual Property, Media and Privacy and Data Security Law in the twelfth edition of Best Lawyers®
Election of Florence Gaullier to the Board of Directors of the AFCDP (French Association of Data Protection Officers) on 23 June 2021.
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in 2021 in "Media & Entertainment", sections Online gaming and betting (ranking "Excellent"), Publishing (ranking "Excellent"), Audiovisual (ranking "Excellent"), Music (ranking "Highly recommended ") and Radio (ranking "Highly recommended ") by Leaders League
Speech by Gilles Vercken for the start-ups companies of The Media House incubator organized by the ESSEC Media & Digital Chaire on June 2, 2021 online.
Speech by Gilles Vercken about "Practice of collective rights management" for the Master degree Pro CEIPI on May 6, 2021 at the CEIPI (Center for International Intellectual Property Studies) at the Law Faculty of Strasbourg.
Chairmanship by Gilles Vercken at the conference "Intellectual Property and Pop Culture», organized by the CEIPI (Center for Intellectual Property International Studies) of the University of Strasbourg on April 26, 2021 (virtual congress). Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm is also a sponsor of this event.
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in France in the 2021 edition of the "Legal 500, Europe, Middle East & Africa", international guide of law firms, in the chapters "IT, telecoms and the internet" and "Media and entertainment", with the following comment in the Television / Radio section: “Vercken & Gaullier is retained by both private and public sector clients, including TV and radio broadcasts. The team routinely advises on contractual matters including the negotiation of broadcasting rights and production contracts. Founding partners Gilles Vercken and Florence Gaullier are the key contacts, as is Edouard Mille who handles copyright litigation and related rights claims across all the entertainment sectors”.
Ranking of our law firm among the best law firms in "Copyright law" (5 out of 5 stars) and "New technologies, informatic and communication law" (4 out of 5 stars) in the ranking Le Point/Statista 2021
Participation of Gilles Vercken as a member of the scientific committee and as a member of the jury of the final of the National Intellectual Property Moot Court Competition, of which Vercken & Gaullier firm is also a sponsor since its creation in 2008.
Online presentation by Gilles Vercken during the Paris Bar Open Commission on Intellectual Property Law (COMPI) on "The transposition of the AVMS Directive" and more particularly on its impact on copyright, on March 24, 2021 from 09:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m organized by the Paris Bar
Speeches by Florence Gaullier on "Google and the publishers: Shadows and lights" and by Valérie-Laure Benabou on the last ECJ’s decisions and their consequences for the media monitoring activities during the 4th FIBEP "Copyright Talks" on March 17, 2021 (virtual congress – for FIBEP’s members only)
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in France for 2021 in the magazine Leaders League, "Technology, internet & telecommunications" edition, in the sections Data Protection (ranking "Highly Recommended"), IT, software & digital projects (ranking "Highly Recommended") and Internet (ranking "Highly Recommended")
Participation of Vercken & Gaullier&"39;s team to the Job Fair organized by the CEIPI (Center for International Intellectual Property Studies) of the University of Strasbourg on March 10, 2021.
Rankings of Florence Gaullier and Gilles Vercken among the best lawyers 2021 in France by the "Global Chambers and Partners" guide in the area of Intellectual Property - Trade Mark & Copyright with the following comments:
"Florence Gaullier "is excellent in copyright and is very easy to work with," according to sources. She is experienced representing clients from the TMT sector in copyright and counterfeiting litigation."
"Gilles Vercken is described by one client as a "creative lawyer with very good knowledge of the field." He frequently acts for clients on a range of contentious copyrights mandates."
Ranking of Gilles Vercken among the best lawyers for 2021 in France in the area of Technologies, Media and Telecommunications, Media subsection (TMT Media) with the following comment:
"Gilles Vercken assists with regulatory issues and transactional mandates in the media sector. Sources laud his "sense of anticipation and great tactical sense."
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the three best law firms in Media Law (Tier 1) in France in the 2021 edition of the guide "Media Law International" with the following comment:
"The founding partner of Vercken & Gaullier is highlighted by competitors “for his curiosity and his knowledge of very complex and specific legal issues”. Gilles Vercken is highly regarded its expansive sector coverage and market visibility. The team advises on converged media and acts for clients in cases involving copyright."
Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm is short-listed among the 7 best law firms in France for the "Firm of the Year – Copyright & Design" award the winner of which will be announced by Managing Intellectual Property on 30 March 2021
"1st part: Scope of application of the new legal framework and information of the data subject": LEGIPRESSE – December 2020, no 388, Chroniques & opinions column – Digital communication, pp. 661-670
"2nd part: Requirements for consent": LEGIPRESSE – January/February 2021, no 389, Chroniques & opinions column – Digital communication, pp. 18-30
Speech by Gilles Vercken on "Collective management of copyright" for the Master Degree "Culture Policy and Management" of the University of Sciences Po Strasbourg on January 26th, 2021 (online)
Participation of Vercken & Gaullier&"39;s team to the IP/IT Job Fair organized the AMPIN (l&"39;Association des Masters de Propriété Intellectuelle et du Numérique) of the University of Paris-Saclay on January 14, 2021.
Speech by Florence Gaullier on copyright and media evaluation services during a round table meeting on "Fundamental right to information: Our future?" at the 2020 FIBEP World Media Intelligence Congress on November 17, 2020 (virtual congress)
Participation of Florence Gaullier in the webinar of the Grand-Est Group of the AFCDP (French Association of Data Protection Officers) on November 5, 2020 on the following topics:
- presentation of the work done by the Grand-Est Group of the AFCDP
- data retention (for the private sector)
- information and consent in the GDPR (presentation of the AFCDP Q&A’s update on these topics)
- presentation of the Grand-Est Group’s work program for 2021
LEGIPRESSE – September 2020, no 385, Chroniques & opinions column – Digital communication, pp. 477-483
In THINKING THE RIGHT OF THOUGHT – Contributions in honour of Michel Vivant
DALLOZ - 2020
For the first edition of the doctoral thesis award of CEIPI / VERCKEN & GAULLIER, the award was granted to the following thesis:
"Awareness and creation in Copyright Law"
Noémie Enser
"At the time when the questions pertaining to the human, moral and psychological consciousness are raised (again) with a particular acuteness in light of the developments of the "artificial intelligence" and the return of the morality in our societies, the doctoral thesis of Noémie Enser is particularly relevant and cutting edge.
The moral conscience has a role to play in Copyright Law and the awareness in the creation is at the centre of the concept itself of copyright".
Florence Gaullier & Gilles Vercken
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in Copyright & related rights (Tier 1) in France in the 2020 edition of the magazine "Managing Intellectual Property"
Ranking also of Florence Gaullier and Gilles Vercken as "Copyright Stars"
Online presentation by Florence Gaullier on the topic "Reform of civil procedure and the competence of the Pre-Trial Judge to rule on the grounds for inadmissibility in the copyright trial” during Campus Avocats on July 7, 2020 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
LEGIPRESSE – July 2020, no 383, Chroniques & opinions column, pp. 348-356
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in 2020 in "Media & Entertainment", sections Online gaming and betting (ranking "Excellent"), Audiovisual (ranking "Excellent"), Music (ranking "Highly recommended ") and Radio (ranking "Highly recommended ") by Leaders League
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier firm among the best Law Firms 2020 in "Litterary and Artistic Property Law" in the ranking Le Point
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm in Entertainment, Information Technology, Intellectual Property, Media and Privacy and Data Security Law in the eleventh edition of Best Lawyers®
Speech by Gilles Vercken on "Literary and Artistic Property" during the conference on "European jurisprudence in Intellectual Property" organized by the CEIPI (Intellectual Property International Studies Center) on May 14 and 15, 2020 on Internet
Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm is also a sponsor of this event
Speech by Noémie Enser on "The apprehension of street art by the law" during the conference "Intellectual Property and Pop Culture" organized by the CEIPI on May 7, 2020 on Internet
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the four best law firms in Media Law (Tier 1) in France in the 2020 edition of the guide "Media Law International" with the following comment:
"The founding partner of Vercken & Gaullier is highlighted by competitors “for his curiosity and his knowledge of very complex and specific legal issues”. Gilles Vercken is highly regarded its expansive sector coverage and market visibility. The team advises on converged media and acts for clients in cases involving copyright."
Ranking of Florence Gaullier and Gilles Vercken as "Copyright Stars 2020" by Managing IP
Speech by Gilles Vercken during the videoconference "Intellectual property, counterfeiting: the limits of criminal law?" organized by the INHESJ (National Institute for Higher Studies on Security and Justice) on April 21, 2020
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in France in the 2020 edition of the "Legal 500, Europe, Middle East & Africa", international guide of law firms, in the "IT, telecoms and the internet" chapter and in the "Media and entertainment" chapter with the following comments:
Book publishers : Vercken & Gaullier is adviser to one of France&"39;s leading publishing houses whom the firm notably represents before court in copyright and IP infringement proceedings against authors and other publishers. A major scientific publisher is also a client. Gilles Vercken and Florence Gaullier are the main practitioners.
Music : Vercken & Gaullier assists leading music streaming platform Deezer as well as several famous French rappers, Parisian karaoke clubs, collecting societies, classical music composer estates and African music publishers. The practice notably advises on royalty issues, but also takes on IP disputes, especially copyright litigation. Gilles Vercken and Florence Gaullier are recommended.
Television / Radio : Vercken & Gaullier advises many of France&"39;s leading private and public sector TV and radio broadcasters, including a major sports TV channel. The practice notably assists clients with the negotiation of broadcasting rights, production contracts and collecting society royalties, and also assists them with their relationship with TV regulator CSA. Gilles Vercken and Florence Gaullier are recommended.
Newspapers : Vercken & Gaullier is adviser to one leading magazine publisher whom the firm notably advises on the management of IP rights with authors and photographers. The firm also assists several leading companies specialising in providing professional daily press digests to prominent clients, including public institutions, with the negotiation of contracts with leading French and international press newspapers. Florence Gaullier also has rare expertise in search engine content issues at the intersection of press and IP law. Gilles Vercken is also recommended.
Speech by Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou during the conference on "European directive and new trends in copyright" organized by ITS on March 3, 2020 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms for 2020 in the sections IT (ranking "Highly Recommended"), Data protection (ranking "Highly Recommended") and Internet (ranking "Highly Recommended") in the magazine "Leaders League" entitled "Technology, Internet & Telecommunications"
in Asimov’s Laws of robotics and the Law (under the supervision of Franck Macrez)
Revue Francophone de la Propriété Intellectuelle (RFPI), Special edition, March 2020, pp. 71-74
Ranking of Florence Gaullier and Gilles Vercken among the best lawyers 2020 in France by the "Chambers Europe" and the "Global Chambers and Partners" guides in the area of Intellectual Property with the following comment:
"Gilles Vercken is widely acknowledged for his expertise in the media and entertainment sector. He is experienced in handling copyright issues and is well reputed for his solution-oriented approach, with sources confirming: "He is knowledgeable about French IP law and very pleasant to work with."
Rankings also of Gilles Vercken among the best lawyers for 2020 in France in the area of Technologies, Media and Telecommunications, Media subsection (TMT Media) with the following comment:
"Gilles Vercken of Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier is a "very strong lawyer," according to sources, while another interviewee highlights the quality of his courtroom advocacy. He acts for TV networks, broadcasters and IT companies on regulatory issues and contractual reviews."
Speech by Gilles Vercken on "Impact of the Tom Kabinet solution on the second-hand video game market in France" during AFPIDA’s conference on "The international, European and French copyright news" on February 14, 2020, at the Hotel de Massa in Paris
THE ARTICULATION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND COMPETITION LAW – Dalloz, February 2020, theme and commentary, Intellectual Property otherside, pp. 33-42
Speeches by Florence Gaullier on "Update on the EU Copyright Directive" and the Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou on "How ECJ jurisprudence can help the media monitoring industry?" during the 3rd FIBEP "Copyright Talks" on January 31, 2020 at Auxipress offices in Bruxelles.
Speech by Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou on "The data dividend" and presidency of the panel discussion on "The implementation of data “patrimonialization”" in the context of the AFDIT conference "The data “patrimonialization”" on December 6, 2019 at the Maison du Barreau in Marseille
Speech by Noémie Enser on "Artificial intelligence and artistic creation" during the session "New issues of the literary and artistic property law: AI and artistic creation, sampling, 3D printing, audiovisual, sports rights" in the context of the conference celebrating the 30 years of the IP/IT Master degree of Sceaux organized by the University of Paris Sud on December 4, 2019 at the Maison du Barreau in Paris
LEGIPRESSE – Special edition "61– 2019-1, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE DIGITAL CRISIS, chapter V, pp. 89 – 101
Opening words of Gilles Vercken in the copyright section of Légipresse magazine (special edition) entitled "Intellectual Property legitimacy – JUSPI conference proceedings on October 10, 2019"
LEGIPRESSE – Special edition "62-2019-2, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LEGITIMACY, Chapter IV – Copyright, pp. 63-65
Speech by the Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou during the panel discussion "Content sharing, value sharing, freedom of expression and Copyright" in the context of Légipresse forum "Social Network, online medias and content sharing: time for accountability and regulation" on November 15, 2019 at the Auditorium of the Maison du Barreau in Paris
Speech by Benjamin Jean on "Open Source projects and their business models: combine valorisation and sustainability" during the "Geotrek Meetings 2019" on November 7, 2019 at the Hôtel Edouard Mouret in Nîmes
Chairing of the panel discussions "Copyright" and "Producers’ rights" by Gilles Vercken at the conference on "Intellectual Property legitimacy" organised by the JUSPI on October 10, 2019 at the University of Nantes
Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm is also sponsor of this event
Ranking of Virginie Tabary in the "Top IP’s Rising Star 2019" by Managing IP
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm in Entertainment, Information Technology, Intellectual Property, Media and Privacy and Data Security Law in the tenth edition of Best Lawyers®
Short analysis of the ECJ’s decison of June 6, 2019, case C-223/18 P, Deichmann / EUIPO, Munich
LES MAJ DE L’IRPI – July 2019, no 10, pp. 7-8
Speeches by Lorette Dubois, Florence Gaullier and Benjamin Jean during the conference "Open and reuse data in the era of GDPR and open data regulations: constraints and opportunities" organized by the Syntec Numérique on June 27, 2019 in Syntec Numérique’s offices
Speech by Benjamin Jean during the training "Open source and free software: use and practical implications" organized by the Software and digital Commission of the ACE (Avocats Conseils d’Entreprises) on June 25, 2019 at ACE’s headquarters in Paris
Speech by Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou on "Collaborative creation and data" during the conference on "Shared Intellectual Property: New forms of collaborative creation and exploitation" organized by the Law and Political science Faculty of Montpellier on June 21, 2019 at the University of Montpellier
Quotation of Benjamin Jean in the article "These legal experts who know how to move the lines!"
Speech by Benjamin Jean on "Understand OSS Licences" during the "OW2con’2019" on June 13, 2019 at Orange Gardens in Châtillon
Participation of Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou as member of the scientific committee of the conference on "Communities and community practices (part 1)" organized by the DANTE (laboratoire de Droit des Affaires et Nouvelles Technologies) and the GRDP (Groupe de Réflexion en Droit Privé) on June 11, 2019 at the Quai Branly Museum in Paris
Speech by Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou on "After the EU Copyright Directive" during the CEPIC (Center of the Picture Industry) Congress on June 7, 2019 in Paris
Speech by Gilles Vercken during the Paris Bar Intellectual Property Law Open Commission (COMPI) "Copyright exceptions from the new directive" on June 6, 2019 at the Maison du Barreau in Paris
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in Copyright & related rights (Tier 1) in France in the 2019 edition of the magazine "Managing Intellectual Property" with the following comment:
"Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier is a leading firm for copyright and related rights advice. Its team represents rightholders across the creative industries, most notably media and entertainment companies. Gilles Vercken and Florence Gaullier lead the team. They are supported by IP scholar Valérie-Laure Benabou and a team of experienced junior lawyers such as Lorette Dubois and Garance Dussausaye."
Ranking also of Florence Gaullier and Gilles Vercken as "Copyright Stars" and "Trade Mark Stars"
LEGIPRESSE – June 2019, no 372, Chroniques & opinions column, pp. 343 – 353
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in 2019 in the sections Data Protection (ranking "Highly Recommended"), IT & Software (ranking "Highly Recommended") and Internet Law (ranking "Highly Recommended") in the magazine Leaders League (Intelligence Report & Directory Series) entitled "Innovation: Technology & Patents"
Short analysis of the ECJ’s decision of May 2, 2019, case C-614/17, Fundación Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Protegida Queso Manchego / Industrial Quesera Cuquerella SL and Juan Ramón Cuquerella Montagud
IRPI’S UPDATES – June 2019, no 9, pp. 7-8
Speech by the professor Valérie-Laure Benabou "Rightholders as Human Beings: Does It Make a Difference?" during the "4th annual European Copyright Society Conference" organized by The Research Group Markets, Innovation and Competition and the European Copyright Society on May 24, 2019 at the Oslo University
Ranking of Florence Gaullier among the 8 French women in the "Top 250 Women in IP 2019/20" by Managing IP
Speech by Gilles Vercken on the recent European jurisprudence in copyright during the annual conference on "European jurisprudence in Intellectual Property" organized by the CEIPI (Centre d’Études Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle) on May 10, 2019 at the University of Strasbourg
Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm is also sponsor of this event
Speech by Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou on "Between natural ubiquity and "house arrest": where is data?" during the fourteenth meeting of the "Law and Mathematics" seminar organized by IHEJ (Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Justice) on May 9, 2019 at the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature in Paris
Short analysis of the judgment of the Court of cassation dated May 27, 2019, no 17-21201 and no 17-21202, Converse v/ Auchan
LES MÀJ DE L’IRPI – May 2019, no 8, pp. 8-9
Speech by Gilles Vercken during the conference "Asimov’s Laws of robotics and the Law" organized by CEIPI (Intellectual Property International Study Center) on April 26, 2019 at Nouveau Patio (Alain Beretz Amphitheatre) in Strasbourg
Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm is also sponsor of this event
Speech by Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou on "Free Internet is not inevitable" during the conference "Visual arts and the free access uses" organised by the SAIF (Société des Auteurs des arts visuels et de l’Image Fixe) on April 26, 2019 at Palais du Luxembourg in Paris
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier firm among the best Law Firms 2019 in "Litterary and Artistic Property Law" in the ranking Le Point
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in France in the 2019 edition of the "Legal 500, Europe, Middle East & Africa", international guide of law firms, in the "IT, telecoms and the internet" chapter and in the "Media and entertainment" chapter with the following comment:
"Led by Gilles Vercken and Florence Gaullier, the &"39;great team&"39; at Vercken & Gaullier covers a wide range of industry sectors in the media and entertainment space, including music, television, radio, publishing and advertising, with &"39;great reactivity and availability&"39;. In addition to a steady stream of data privacy and GDPR compliance work, the group recently advised on contract negotiations in the context of content-on-demand clauses and relations with collective management organisations and their intangible assets. Key clients include Deezer, Hachette, NextRadioTV and Bouygues Telecom."
Speech by Gilles Vercken for the start-up companies of The Media House incubator organized by the ESSEC Media & Digital Chaire on April 11, 2019 at CNIT in Paris – La Défense
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms in Media Law (Tier 1) in France in the 2019 edition of the guide "Media Law International" with the following comment:
"The founding partner of Vercken & Gaullier is highlighted by competitors “for his curiosity and his knowledge of very complex and specific legal issues”. Gilles Vercken is highly regarded its expansive sector coverage and market visibility. The team advises on converged media and acts for clients in cases involving copyright."
Speech by Florence Gaullier on the new Copyright Directive during the GESTE&"39;s legal commission on April 9, 2019 at Figaro’s auditorium in Paris
Comment by Noémie Enser on the decision of the Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence dated November 29, 2018 (no 16/12104)
DALLOZ IP/IT – April 2019, no 4, Texts and Decisions: "Literary and Artistic Property" column, pp. 244 – 248
Short analysis of the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Paris dated March 5, 2019, chamber 05-01, RG no 17/04510, Commune de Laguiole
LES MÀJ DE L’IRPI – April 2019, no 7, pp. 9 – 10
Participation of Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou and Gilles Vercken as members of the scientific committee of the National Intellectual Property Moot Court Competition
Participation of Gilles Vercken to the jury of the finale
The firm is also sponsor of this Moot Court Competition since its creation in 2008
Speech by Benjamin Jean on "A reminder on Open Source licences" during the conference Cap’Tronic on "Open Source embedded OS for IoT applications" in the context of the "MtoM & Connected objects - Embedded Systems" trade fair on March 21, 2019 at Paris Expo – Porte de Versailles
Speech by Benjamin Jean on "Thinking common goods in the digital age" during the "Interacademic Day for Professors and Documentalists 2019 at the BNF. The contributory approach: How to mobilize collective intelligence?" on March 21, 2019 at the French National Library in Paris
Speech by Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou during the conference "Creative freedom and Copyright: what should be the balance for transformative works?" organized by AJSP division Sciences Pi on March 20, 2019 at Sciences Po Paris
Speech by Gilles Vercken on "Practice of collective rights management" for the Master degree "Intellectual Property Law" on March 11, 2019 at the CEIPI (Center for International Intellectual Property Studies) at the University of Law in Strasbourg
Speech by Gilles Vercken on the "Artistic and literary property" for the Master degree "Economic Law – Innovation Law" on March 8, 2019 at the University of Sciences Po Paris.
Ranking of Florence Gaullier and Gilles Vercken among the best lawyers 2019 in France by the "Chambers Europe" guide in the area of Intellectual Property with the following comment:
"Gilles Vercken of Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier specialises in copyright issues in the media, entertainment and publishing industries. Clients highlight his capacity in negotiation and describe him as "very reactive, precise, efficient and bringing solutions and clear explanations."
Rankings of the firm and of Gilles Vercken among the best lawyers for 2019 in France in the area of Technologies, Media and Telecommunications, Media subsection (TMT Media) with the following comment:
"Co-founder of Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier, Gilles Vercken comes warmly recommended by clients for his "excellent results." His client roster includes television and recorded content broadcasters, magazine publishers and music streaming services. He regularly advises on IP rights and advertising issues, offering additional experience in remuneration matters."
Short analysis of the Court of Appeal of Paris on January 29, chamber 05-01, RG no 014/2019, Burberry c/ KRacter Mania, Marsafi
LES MÀJ DE L’IRPI – March 2019, no 6, p. 6
ENTERTAINMENT & LAW – no 2019-3, pp. 156-168, Clips section
Speech by Gilles Vercken during the meeting "Collective management of copyright and transparency" at the Kléber Bookshop on Februay 28, 2019 in Strasbourg (organized in partnership with CEIPI, SAGE, CNRS and with the financial support of the EU program Erasmus+).
The Firm is very happy and proud of Hasna Louzé, attorney of the team, who has been appointed Secrétaire de la Conférence, thanks to her brilliant performance during the Young Bar Association Conference moot court competition organized by the Strasbourg Bar Association. Her position will be determined during the final, which will take place at the Council of Europe in July.
Speeches by Professor Valérie Laure Benabou on "Evolution by interpretation of the existing standard? Assessment of one year of case law of the ECJ (European Court of Justice)" and by Gilles Vercken on "Elaboration of new standards – Solutions proposed by the common position on the Cable-Satellite directive" during the AFPIDA’s conference on "Evolution of European Copyright" on February 15, 2019, at the Hotel de Massa in Paris
Ranking of Florence Gaullier and Gilles Vercken among the best lawyers 2019 in France by the "Global Chambers and Partners" guide in the area of Intellectual Property with the following comment :
"Gilles Vercken of Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier specialises in copyright issues in the media, entertainment and publishing industries. Clients highlight his capacity in negotiation and describe him as "very reactive, precise, efficient and bringing solutions and clear explanations."
LES MÀJ DE L’IRPI – February 2019, no 5, pp. 6-9
Comment of the French Supreme Court’s judgment on Decembre 12, 2018, "Scootlib, the French Supreme Court confirms the validity of the trademark registration", Cass. Com., no 17-24582, Ville de Paris vs. Olky International and others.
Comments of the Paris Court of Appeal judgments:
- on December 18, 2018, "An Hermes’ clasp judged invalid to designate shoes", CA Paris, 5-1, RG no 18/03823, Société Hermès International
- on December 21, 2018, "Abercrombie & Fitch, the end of a judicial epic Use & Revocation", CA Paris, 5-2, RG no 17/06665, A&F Trademark Inc. and Abercrombie & Fitch Europe SAGL vs. Montravers – Ying Ting
Speech by Benjamin Jean about "Is the regulation on territorial data an end or a means?" during the trade fair "AP Connect" organized by PG Organisation on January 29 and 30 at the space "Grande Arche" in Paris – La Défense.
Speech by Professor Valérie Laure Benabou during the conference of the Chaire L.R. Wilson untitled "Law + Copyright in 10, 20, 30 years…" on January 24, 2019 at the Espace CDPQ in Montreal.
Speech by Gilles Vercken during the round-table on "Legal and Institutional issues" on January 11, 2019 organized by the Media & Digital Chaire of ESSEC at the CNIT in Paris – La Défense.
Speeches by Florence Gaullier on "The European Copyright directive: its impact on the Media Monitoring & Analysis Industry" and the Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou on "How European jurisprudence and ECJ the Media Monitoring & Analysis Industry?" during the 2nd FIBEP "Copyright Talks" on February 1, 2019 at Kantar Media’s offices in Paris.
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms for 2019 in the sections Data Protection, IT and Internet in the magazine "Leaders League" entitled "Technologies, Internet & Telecommunications"
LES MÀJ DE L’IRPI – January 2019, no 4, pp. 7-8
Comments on judgments of the General Court of European Union:
- on November 29, 2018, case T-372/17, Louis Vuitton Malletier vs EUIPO, Bee-Fee Group Ltd (LV Power Energy Drink)
- on November 29, 2018, case T-372/17, Louis Vuitton Malletier vs EUIPO, Bee-Fee Group Ltd (Bet Zaklady Bukmacherskies)
REVUE INTERNATIONALE du Droit d’Auteur, January 2019, no 259, pp. 5-59
Speeches by Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou and Gilles Vercken on "Copyright : a driver for economic and social development" during "International conference on copyright in Marocco" on December 13, 2018 in Oujda (Marocco)
Speech by Gilles Vercken on "Collective management of rights in France: weakened or strengthened by competition law?" during the conference "The articulation of intellectual property rights and competition law" organized by CRJ (Centre de recherches juridique) and CUERPI (Centre universitaire d&"39;enseignement et de recherche en propriété intellectuelle) on December 7, 2018 at the Maison de l’Avocat in Grenoble.
Presidency of Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou on "The Law and Institutions towards IT security challenges" during the AFDIT conference "The Law towards IT security challenges" on December 7, 2018 at the Hôtel Maliverny in Aix-en-Provence.
Comment on the decision of the Court of Appeal of Rennes dated September 18, 2018 (RG no 16/06196)
DALLOZ IP / IT – December 2018, no 12, Texts and Decisions: "Literary and Artistic Property" column, pp. 685-689
Participation of Gilles Vercken to the IP/IT Job Fair organized by CERDI (Centre d’Etude et de Recherche en Droit de l’Immatériel) and the AMPIN (l&"39;Association des Masters de Propriété Intellectuelle et du Numérique) of the University of Paris-Sud on November 30, 2018 at the Hôtel de Massa in Paris
Speeches by Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou during the workshop no 5: "Encouraging innovation of legal practitioners of the 21st century" and by Benjamin Jean during the workshop no 3: "Learning and training to increase employability" as part of Grenelle du Droit 2: "The future of the legal field" on November 16, 2018 at Palais Brongniart in Paris.
Annual conference of the firm on "European current issues in Copyright and digital Laws" on October 25, 2018 from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm at the Auditorium of the Maison du Barreau in Paris.
Speeches by Professor Valérie-Laure Benabou, Professor Séverine Dusollier, Florence Gaullier, Patrice Spinosi and Gilles Vercken
By invitation only
Speech by Florence Gaullier on hyperlinks and the related right of press publishers and news agencies during the GESTE (Copyright editors and online service’s consortium) information meeting on "Copyright Directive" on October 23, 2018 at Deezer’s offices in Paris.
Speech by Florence Gaullier on "The birth of a related right for press publishers and news agencies" during the Légipresse forum "The freedom of expression in the digital turmoil" on October 17, 2018 at the Auditorium of the Maison du Barreau in Paris.
Chairing the round-table "Intellectual property & Pop Culture: new usages?" by Gilles Verken, at the conference on "Intellectual property & Pop Culture – New" organized by the JUSPI on October 9, 2018 in the University Palace of Strasbourg, Pasteur room.
LEGIPRESSE, October 2018, no 364, courts column, pp. 494-503
LEGIPRESSE, October 2018, no 364, courts column, pp. 507-513
Support and participation of the firm to the event "Hackathon: Photojournalism and Law" in partnership with the JUSPI, the University of Perpignan, the SAIF, the CDED and the CIP, as part of the festival Visa pour l’Image
Speach by Gilles Vercken on "Identifying criminal offences and relationship with civil remedies" during the conference "Copyright in action: international perspectives on remedies" organized by the ALAI (International Literary and Artistic Association) September 13, 2018 in Montreal
Ranking of Vercken & Gaullier Law Firm among the best law firms for 2018 in the sections Online gaming and betting (ranking "Excellent"), Publishing (ranking "Excellent"), Audiovisual (ranking "Excellent"), Music (ranking "Excellent") and Radio (ranking "High Profile") in the magazine "Leaders League" entitled "Media & Entertainment"
Quotation of Florence Gaullier in the article "The storage of the video protection files in question"
LEFIGARO.FR – August 17, 2018
Speech by Gilles Vercken during the training seminar on "Audiovisual contracts for lawyers and legal practitioners" organized by the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) in cooperation with the BURIDA (Ivorian Copyright Office) on July 19, 2018 in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)
LA SEMAINE JURIDIQUE – Entreprise et affaires, June 21, 2018, no 25, Studies and comments section - File, pp. 44-46