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AFCDP Annual General Meeting: presentation of the first results of the CEDPO survey on DPOs

Presentation by Florence Gaullier and Thomas Ajoodha, AFCDP legal counsel in charge of international matters, of the first results of the survey conducted by CEDPO on DPOs at European level, during the general meeting of the AFCDP (Association Française des Correspondants à la protection des Données à Caractère Personnel) at the Maison de la Chimie, on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

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Geste’s General Assembly: presentations on Geste's work on Open AI’s terms and conditions and on ePrivacy issues

Presentations by Florence Gaullier at Geste’s general assembly on June 19th, 2024 on Geste's work on the general conditions of Open AI and on ePrivacy issues

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“Voyage d’une langue à l’autre 5” Festival

Intervention of Noémie Enser at “Voyage d’un bout à l’autre 5” Festival on April 2024, 21 on the topic of the use of the artificial intelligence and its impact on culture and the quality of translated texts.  


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Moot Court in IP in Versailles Saint-Quentin from 17 to 19 April 2024

Gilles Vercken and Noémie Enser are members of the CN2PI jury, of which the firm has also been a sponsor since the competition was created in 2008.

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Interview of Florence Gaullier in BSmart channel’s Smart Tech program

Participation of Florence Gaullier in the Smart Tech program (BSmart channel) on 8 April 2024 on the proceedings against Meta, Google, Apple, the competitiveness of Europe in generative AI and the lowering the age limit for using WhatsApp in Europe.

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CEIPI’s Job Fair 2024

Participation of the Cabinet Vercken & Gaullier at the Job Fair 2024 organised by CEIPI on 27 February 2024 

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“GT DPO" webinaire

Presentation by Florence Gaullier and Lorette Dubois of the GESTE and SRI’s submission to the EDPB consultation on the technical scope of article 5(3) of ePrivacy directive, on 26 February 2024 from 10am to 11.30am (only for GESTE’s members). 

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Mind media interview with Noémie Enser on the AI Act and copyright

Interview with Noémie Enser, lawyer at the Vercken & Gaullier law firm, by Raphaël Karayan as part of the article "AI Act: why the copyright issue poisoned the negotiations" published by Mind.

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Appointment of Valérie-Laure Benabou as co-chairwoman of the CSPLA commission on copyright and ecological transition

Appointment by the Chairman of the Conseil supérieur de la propriété littéraire et artistique (CSPLA) of Valérie-Laure Benabou as co-chairwoman of the commission charged with considering how to reconcile literary and artistic property with the stakes of the ecological transition, with her co-president, Emmanuel Gabla, general engineer of mines, both assisted by the rapporteur Alexandre Denieul, auditor at the Council of State.

The commission will focus especially on the remote exploitation of works, issues related to the compatibility, interoperability and repairability of cultural products, as well as refurbished devices providing access to works.

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Lecture by Gilles Vercken for the students of the CEIPI’s Masters 2 on ʺCollective management of copyright and related rightsʺ

Lecture by Gilles Vercken for the students of the CEIPI’s Master 2 (Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle) on “Collective management of copyright and related rights” on May 12, 2023 at the University of Strasbourg.